'CASA CU SURICATE' - Teatrul Național „Marin Sorescu„ Craiova
'CASA CU SURICATE' - Teatrul Național „Marin Sorescu„ Craiova
by David Drábek: Directed by; Radu Afrim; Stage design: Irina Moscu

'Neînțelegerea' by Albert Camus @Teatrul Național "Radu Stanca" Sibiu
'Neînțelegerea' by Albert Camus @Teatrul Național "Radu Stanca" Sibiu
Director: Bobi Pricop; Stage Design: Oana Micu

Portrait shooting with the Romanian actor Costi Apostol
Portrait shooting with the Romanian actor Costi Apostol;
Summer 2023

‘Cuvântul progres rostit de mama sună teribil de fals’ directed by Botond Nagy
‘Cuvântul progres rostit de mama sună teribil de fals’ by Matei Vișniec
directed by Botond Nagy

'SOLARIS' a stage play directed by Bobi Pricop
a stage play directed by Bobi Pricop
based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem / dramaturgy by David Greig

Summer 2022 - Actor PÁLFFY Tibor
Actor PÁLFFY Tibor, captured for Theater 'Tamási Áron Színház'

Summer 2022 - Actor KÓNYA-ÜTŐ Bence
Portrait shooting with actor KÓNYA-ÜTŐ Bence
Location: Theater 'Tamási Áron Színház' / Sfântu Gheorghe / Romania
Summer 2022

Actress SZALMA Hajnalka
Portrait shooting with actress SZALMA Hajnalka
Location: Theater 'Tamási Áron Színház' / Sfântu Gheorghe / Romania
Summer 2022

Portrait shooting with actress Korodi Janka
Portrait shooting with actress Korodi Janka
Location: Theater 'Tamási Áron Színház' / Sfântu Gheorghe / Romania

“RICHARD III” based on the original by William Shakespeare. Captured for ‘Teatrul Andrei Mureșanu’, directed by Eugent Gyemant

'Grădinărit uman' de Rodrigo García
'Grădinărit uman' de Rodrigo García